Mini-Refix – Suture Anchor 3.0mm

Mini-Refix – Suture Anchor 3.0mm
Description :
- The unique thread design of the Mini-Refix – Suture Anchors provides extraordinary pull-out strength and easy insertion in all bone conditions.
- This is ideal for SLAP and subscapularis repairs where a small stap incision and percutaneous delivery of the implant is preferred.
Product Details :
- Cat. No. Product Detail
- AT003 Mini-Refix - Suture Anchor 3.0 mm, Titanium (loaded with one pc UFiber)
- AT032 Mini-Refix - Suture Anchor 3.0 mm, Titanium (loaded with one pc UFiber with needle)
Related Instruments :
- Cat. No.
- AT902.12 Drill Bit Ø1.5mm For Mini-Refix 3.0mm
- AT902.03 Spear For Mini-Solaris 2.8mm, Mini-AtnoX 2.8mm, Mini-Refix 3.0mm, Mini-Protoza-PK 2.8mm
- AT902.02 Trocar For Mini-Solaris 2.8mm, Mini-AtnoX 2.8mm, Mini-Refix 3.0mm, Mini-Protoza-PK 2.8mm