Mini-Protoza-PK Suture Anchor (Peek)

Mini-Protoza-PK Suture Anchor (Peek)
Description :
- Mini-Protoza-PK Suture Anchors are available in a variety of sizing and suture options.
- Mini-Protoza-PK is a nonabsorbable PEEK suture anchor with a material eyelet which provides superior abrasion resistance due to PEEK'S low coefficient of friction.
- Anchor insertion and delivery are made simple by drilling through a spear and inserting the anchor through the same spear into the drilled hole.
Product Details :
- Cat. No. Product Detail
- AT028 Mini-Protoza -PK Suture Anchor 2.8mm, PEEK(loaded with one pc UFiber)
- AT029 Mini-Protoza -PK Suture Anchor 3.0mm, PEEK (loaded with Two pc UFiber)
- AT030 Mini-Protoza -PK Suture Anchor 3.5mm, PEEK (loaded with Two pc UFiber)
Related Instruments :
- Cat. No.
- AT902.01 Drill Bit Ø2.4mm Mini-Protoza-PK 2.8mm
- AT902.06 Drill Bit Ø2.6mm Mini-Protoza-PK 3.0mm
- AT902.08 Drill Bit Ø3 mm Mini-Protoza-PK 3.5mm
- AT902.03 Spear For Mini-Solaris,Mini-Atnox 2.8mm,Mini Refix 3.0mm,Mini-Protoza-PK 2.8mm
- AT902.11 Spear For Mini-Solaris 3.5mm,Mini- Atnox 3.5mm,Mini-Protoza-PK 3.0mm & 3.5mm
- AT902.02 Trocar For Mini-Soalris 2.8mm,Mini-Atnox 2.8mm,Mini-Refix 3.0mm,Mini-Protoza-PK 2.8mm
- AT902.10 Trocar For Mini-Solaris 3.5mm, Mini-Atnox 3.5mm,Mini-Protoza-PK 3.0mm & 3.5mm